Somatic therapy

I offer therapeutic accompaniment with a trauma-informed, systemic and somatic (body-oriented) approach to help you relieve the symptoms of trauma and other stress disorders to find peace, clarity, recover strength and access trust, connection, joy, pleasure and a renewed sense of possibility. 

Depending on the issue we are working through, I combine resources of boundary work with a relational approach, non-violent communication, family constellations, yoga, mindfulness, and the Somatic Experiencing® method that seeks to discharge and re-set the nervous system and address traumatic shock, essential to recovering from previous trauma.

My accompaniment is through a trauma-informed lens, that means that we will move at a soft, gentle, compassionate rhythm without pushing your system beyond capacity, giving slow but firm steps towards recovery.

Duration:  1h session weekly
Platforms: Zoom or in person in Berlin-Steglitz
Number of sessions required: There is no predetermined amount, it depends on the individual and unique process of each person

Things we can work through in the sessions:

  • Inability or difficulty acknowledging or placing boundaries

  • Confusion around your place of order with your family

  • Difficulty expressing yourself

  • Rage, aggressive reactivity and/or struggle in assertive communication

  • Grief

  • Feeling numb or disconnected

  • Feeling paralyzed in situations where you would like to have agency

  • Feeling constant fatigue 

  • Inability to down regulate in situations of stress

  • Feeling of permanent vigilance or inability to trust

  • Insomnia

  • Constant people pleasing or fawning

  • Chronic pain or another health situation

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Lack of vitality

  • Difficulty accessing healthy anger/aggression or saying “no”

  • Etc.


This sessions do not replace psychotherapeutic, psychiatric or medical treatment.





At this time I am not offering individual sessions to new clients. If you want to work with me, we can have a free 20-minute discovery call to see if we are a good match to start a 3-month process together.

Are you interested in scheduling a discovery call? Message me!

Investment: $1200
I am prioritizing my therapeutic accompaniment for those people who want to carry out a therapeutic process. 3 months is an adequate amount to start seeing the first significant changes that allow fertile ground for a greater transformation in your life.

Content: 9 one-hour sessions during the time frame of 3 months. The remaining weeks of the month where we don't have sessions you'll have some exercises assigned and you'll have the option to reach out to me via whatsapp audio messages.

* Packages are purchased in a single payment before the first session of the package
** Non-refundable, but can be transferable to someone else

Book a session



Upon coordination with me, we will assign you a fix weekly schedule for the 3 months duration. Of course you can cancel or postpone a session if needed with 24h in advance :) Please coordinate with me before booking on the Calendly.

Once scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email from Calendly with the Zoom link for our session. 


Complete the payment via PayPal to @MarianneTrautenDE or to my German Bank Account:


Marianne Christine Trauten Sass
Deutsche Kredit Bank (DKB)
Iban: DE94 1203 0000 1087 2958 85


You are booked! Send me an e-mail to to send me your payment receipt, and I can send you your invoice.

Let's stay in touch

Leave me your information to keep you informed of all the workshops, Yoga classes, accompaniment programs and therapeutic sessions :)

Alma Auténtica 2020 - All Rights Reserved